beezee blockchain

Blockchain Params

DEX - Tradebin module

Create Market Fee

?? BZE

The BZE DEX module enables users to create their own market pairs between two denominations. This process is permissionless and incurs a fee, which is determined by the blockchain. Pricing is controlled by the community and can be modified through a governance proposal. Please contact us via Twitter or Discord if you wish to suggest a lower fee or if you require a grant for the fee. The fee is directed to the community pool.

Market Maker Fee

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The market maker fee is a charge imposed on users who provide liquidity by placing limit orders that do not fill immediately. This fee is typically lower than taker fees to incentivize users to add liquidity to the market. The accumulated fees contribute to maintaining the operational integrity and enhancing the liquidity of the DEX, thereby ensuring smoother trading experiences for all participants. Market maker fee can be adjusted via community governance proposal.

Market Taker Fee

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The market taker fee is applied to trades that are executed against existing orders on the order book, effectively taking liquidity from the market. This fee is generally higher than market maker fees to balance the ecosystem by encouraging the provision of liquidity. Taker fees help manage the volume and pace of trading, ensuring that liquidity is available for those needing immediate order execution. Like maker fees, taker fees are set by the blockchain and can be revised through governance proposal.

Maker Fee Destination


Market fees, as described above, can be directed either to the Burner module for burning or to the community pool. The blockchain permits the redirection of these fees through a governance proposal, allowing stakeholders to decide the most beneficial use of the accumulated funds. This flexibility supports the continuous improvement of the platform and aligns with the community’s interests and priorities.

Taker Fee Destination


Market fees, as described above, can be directed either to the Burner module for burning or to the community pool. The blockchain permits the redirection of these fees through a governance proposal, allowing stakeholders to decide the most beneficial use of the accumulated funds. This flexibility supports the continuous improvement of the platform and aligns with the community’s interests and priorities.

Token Factory

Create Denomination Fee

?? BZE

The Token Factory module on the BZE blockchain allows users to create their own denominations. These denominations function like any other coin on the blockchain, with capabilities for sending and using them both within and across other blockchains via Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC). The fee associated with creating a token acts as a deterrent against network spam and is directed to the community pool.

Earn - Rewards module

Create Staking Reward Fee

?? BZE

The Rewards module offers users the option to create staking reward programs for specific denominations of their choice. Setting up these programs necessitates the payment of a fee and the provision of funds to be used as rewards. Collected fees are directed to the community pool.

Create Trading Reward Fee

?? BZE

The Rewards module offers users the option to establish trading reward programs for specific DEX market of their choice. Setting up these programs necessitates the payment of a fee and the provision of funds to be used as rewards. Collected fees are directed to the community pool.

Built with Cosmology by BZE Alpha Team. Powered by BeeZee blockchain and BZE coin.